The Problem: Connecting people to services

Until the Global Financial Crisis in 2008, most people assumed that bridging the gaps for those in unserved communities was a “money” problem. But, when programs like ARRA and BTOP, and post-COVID programs CARES, ARP, IIJA, and IRA poured Billions into these communities to little long-term effect, they realized money was only part of the problem. The reality was the gaps just got wider.

The lesson was that unserved areas not only lack money, they lack the ‘“Muscle Power” that comes from the “people infrastructure” of large organizations, with large staffs, deep experience, and access to expertise. We have always focused on Muscle Power.

So, when the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) made over One Trillion Dollars available to bridge these gaps, Congress began to create programs that further integrated notions of private, entrepreneurial models. Grants were less “programmatic” and far more “competitive.” Many require “consortia” of public and private teams (like the recent “Tech Hubs” program), or require that those receiving the money focus on “Community Benefit Plans” to align the applicant’s Muscle Power to community needs (as in many DOE grants).

That is where we come in. We have spent almost a decade helping business leaders, and local leaders, and state leaders find the methods and models to bridge the Muscle Power gaps for unserved and underserved areas. Today, we also address the Muscle Power problem by using social network technology to “connect the dots” between need and opportunity. We call it the Community Benefit Network and it helps everyone work together for a BRIGHT future.

One size NEVER fits all, but this experience and expertise certainly speeds the process. Click the link below and let us help you.

Why focus on a BRIGHT future?

BRIGHT is an acronym for the digital services and opportunities that help people thrive: Broadband; Retail online services (including Cloud Services and Artificial Intelligence); the Internet-of-Things; GridPower; Healthcare; and Training and Education.

Focusing on the BRIGHT future is also a useful way to think about the Trillion Dollars in funding. Our analysis has mapped almost $800 Billion to the BRIGHT framework, from more than 350 federal programs. And that number keeps growing.

The Community Benefit Network is the platform for all

BRIGHTspot Partners, Inc. (“BSP”) is a non-profit organization that was formed in 2016 to bring connectedness to rural areas, small towns, and other unserved and underserved communities.  We help unserved areas address both the Money and Muscle Power problems by connecting communities to the resources that can help them thrive.

It’s a big challenge, and certainly not one that gets solved with “one click” on a website. But it CAN BEGIN with a single click. Contact us if you’d like to get started.